Radio Stations

Copyright 2014 by Ronald B. Standler

During electric power outages, I sometimes listen to a battery-powered radio. This webpage lists some of the major radio stations in the Northeastern USA and Canada that broadcast news. This is not a complete list of all radio stations.

News Radio

50 kW AM transmitters

The maximum legal radiated power for the medium-wave band (i.e., frequencies between 530 and 1620 kHz) in the USA is 50 kW. Here is a list of some of the news radio station in the northeastern USA that have a transmitter power of 50 kW.

City, State Call Sign kHz Website Network
Toronto, Ontario CFTR 680 CFTR Independent
Cincinnati, Ohio WLW 700 WLW Independent
Chicago, Ill. WGN 720 WGN Independent
New York City WABC 770 WABC ABC
Chicago, Ill. WBBM 780 WBBM CBS
Schenectady, NY WGY 810 WGY Independent
Worcester, Mass. WCRN 830 WCRN Independent
New York City WCBS 880 WCBS CBS
Chicago, Ill. WLS 890 WLS Independent
New York City WINS 1010 WINS CBS
Pittsburgh, PA KDKA 1020 KDKA CBS
Boston, Mass. WBZ 1030 WBZ CBS
Philadelphia, Penn. KYW 1060 KYW CBS
Hartford, Conn. WTIC 1080 WTIC CBS
Baltimore, Maryl. WBAL 1090 WBAL CBS
New York City WBBR 1130 Bloomberg
Rochester, NY WHAM 1180 WHAM Independent

AM Radio Near Concord, NH

City, State Call Letters kHz Website Network Power kW
Day, Night
Manchester, NH WGIR 610 WGIR Fox 5,   1
Laconia, NH WEZS 1350 WEZS Fox 5,   0.1
Concord, NH WKXL 1450 WKXL 1,   1

FM Radio Near Concord, NH

City, State Call Letters MHz Website Network
Concord, NH WEVO 89.1 WEVO NPR
Boston, Mass. WGBH 89.7 WGBH NPR
Boston, Mass. WBUR 90.9 WBUR NPR
Bow, NH WCNH 91.5 WCNH classical
Portland, Maine W245AA 96.9 WBACH classical
Lowell, Mass. WCRB 99.5 WCRB classical
Thomaston, Maine WBQX 106.9 WBQX classical

Time Broadcasts

The U.S. Government broadcasts time signals from transmitters near Ft. Collins, Colorado on frequencies of 2.5,   5,   10,   15, and 20 MHz. WWV webpage.

The Canadian Government broadcasts time signals from transmitters near Ottawa on frequencies of 3330,   7850,   and 14670 kHz. CHU webpage.

Don't have a shortwave radio? You can listen to time broadcasts in the USA on long-distance telephone, as described in my earlier webpage on sources of news, time, and weather.


During the 1930s through the 1980s, people listened to shortwave radio broadcasts to get reliable news and details of what was happening in foreign nations. As a child in the early 1960s, I remember listening to a shortwave radio and hearing "This is London. You are listening to the World Service of the BBC." Satellite distributions of television broadcasts in the 1980s and 1990s made radio obsolete for many people. Further, the rise of the Internet in the 1990s decreased the number of people who listen to shortwave radio in the USA and Western Europe.
  1. The British Broadcasting Company (BBC) ended its shortwave transmissions to North America on 1 July 2001.
  2. Deutsche Welle, the German government foreign radio broadcaster, ended its shortwave transmissions to North America in Oct 2006. DW
  3. Radio Netherlands ended its shortwave transmissions to North America on 26 Oct 2008. RNW

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created 7 Oct 2014, modified 12 Oct 2014

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